“Styx’s River Big Jump Dio”
This here diorama has a fun story behind it. You see this diorama is base on the 1979 TV series Dukes of Hazzard big General Lee jump that took place out at “Indian Dunes State Park” over the Santa Clarita River. Now one thing to point out now is from that time to NOW. Things out there sure has change a lot and the area doesn’t quite look the same BUT for the Rock formation. Now on the show there was a few massive jumps performed. As in the General Lee (1968-69 Charger) got some good air time flying through the air. But there was only A few good ones that was “Big” air time. The first one was in the middle of 1979 just the TV show had moved back to CA during the filming of the 6th- 13th episode of the first season. The jump takes place mid-way through the 13th and final episode of Season One in”Double Sting” where the boys and a bad guy is being chase by a federal Patrol officer after he passes the General Lee. He spins a 180 turn otherwise known as a bootleg turn. A chase takes place leading the General through the Styxs area where there is a big river located at. When the General comes out of the tree lining at around 90mph he drop down the slight incline and launches out into the air. Doing the 1st big jump and clearing 300ft on impact. The 2nd big jump takes place 300+ miles west of CA in Oxford. That big jump can be seen in the 2nd Season in the episode “Grannie Anny” Where the General does a big train jump at around 280ft. Then another big General jump takes place in the 5th Season in the same area again but opposite direction. Each one was performed by different Stunt Driver’s.
Now that everyone loves to build Dukes of Hazzard General Lee scale models in different sizes. Plus they love to build dioramas just the same to show their love for the show. Well so do we! So it was decided instead just building another scale model of the General Lee. We would build a diorama of a Dukes of Hazzard General Lee jump. But what jump though as the Duke cousin’s did a lot of them on the TV series. We wanted to pick one that stould out. So we picked the very first big air jump that was ever done by the General. The Styx’s River jump. This scene can be seen in “almost” every opening of the series after Season One. It’s the scene just after the TV series Title appears and disappears. It’s like “LEE1” known for it’s jump.
Well it was the summer of 2009, supplies was bought. But how big would this be.. well after studying the DVDs a little more and going for a few walks. It was found out the Styx’s River General Lee flew 300ft across the Santa Clarita river in 1979. The charger over took it’s original landing spot by 100ft. So taking a Revell 1969 Dodge Charger in it’s scale size. We was looking at over 4ft of board for the diorama. This would be from Embankment to landing which would be 8ft. So we did what we could. Started out with Luwond panel piece 1ft wide by 4ft long. Foam board was also used along with Loc-Tite spray glue, Clear silicone, paint brushes, fiberglass resin, plaster and a few shovel fulls of earth. We got an old LEE1 junk model out which was also by Revell to use as a stand in until the diorama model was built.
Now these was taken the very next day, after I added the moss for bushes in the same spots just they was on the TV series. You can also see the water build up as while.